Voluntary assisted dying will give me control at the end of life.
Roz Hervey was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in late 2022. A massive shock for an active arts administrator and creative producer at Restless Dance Theatre in Adelaide. Ms Hervey said that she and her family are focused on living her best life, using her active time to create memories for the whole family. Overseas trips, catching up with people she loves, having dinners, making every day special.
"… that's what's really important to me, it's making memories, not just for me, but everybody around me," she said.
Ms Hervey is working desperately to keep the disease at bay through pilates, walking, stretching and seeing a psychologist, while the help of the NDIS has helped keep her working.
"It's important not to grieve until you have to grieve," she said.
"I'm really trying to encourage my family to focus on living in the moment now, appreciating all the things we've got."
MND is an incurable disease that kills nerves known as motor neurons, leading to muscle wastage and paralysis.
Ms Hervey uses a scooter, wheelchair and walker and has recorded 300 messages for when her voice fails.
"I'm a control freak and MND is about losing control," she said.
"The voluntary assisted dying law will enable me to make that choice to die when I want to die and that gave me the ability to find positivity in life.”
ABC TV news told Ms Hervey’s story in an online and broadcast report on Thursday, February 8, 2024. The reporter was Matthew Smith.