SA Hansard 2011-21
The Hansard record for the most recent Bills debated in the South Australian Parliament is provided below. The most recent Bills are listed first, with the dates of the most recent debate listed first.
Commencement of VAD in South Australia
Hon John Darley asked the Minister of Health and Wellbeing, Hon Stephen Wade, when VAD would commence in South Australia. All other states are 15 to 18 months after the Act was passed by the Parliament. In his answer on October 26, Minister Wade said South Australia would take 21 months. This would mean South Australians would have to wait until March 2023 before VAD becomes an end of life choice.
Read the John Darley question and Health Minister's answer here.
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2020
The Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill (2020) has now passed both chambers of the South Australian Parliament.
Initially, the Legislative Council passed the VAD Bill, with amendments, on May 5, with a vote of 14 to 7. The VAD Bill passed the House of Assembly, with further amendments, on June 10 with a vote of 33 to 11.
The VAD Bill will was returned to the Legislative Council for consideration of amendments passed in the House of Assembly on June 23, where a further amendment was passed.
The VAD Bill passed its final hurdle at 11.05am on Thursday, June 24, when the House of Assembly agreed to amendments passed in the Legislative Council the previous evening.
The Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill was originally tabled in both the Legislative Council and House of Assembly on December 2, 2020. The VAD Bill was tabled by Hon Kyam Maher (ALP) in the Legislative Council and Dr Susan Close (ALP) in the House of Assembly.
Debate resumed in the Legislative Council in March 2021 and the VAD Bill was passed on May 5 with a vote of 14 to 7.
The VAD Bill was tabled in the House of Assembly on May 12, with Second Reading Speeches being made on May 26.
Debate resumed in Committee for consideration of amendments on June 9.
The VAD Bill passed the Third Reading with a vote of 33 to 11 on June 10 and was returned to the Legislative Council for consideration of amendments passed in the House of Assembly.
A further amendment was moved in the Legislative Council on June 23 in relation to institutional conscientious objection, and passed.
The VAD Bill returned to the House of Assembly the following morning, Thursday, June 24, and the Legislative Council amendment was agreed at 11.05am.
June 24, 2021, House of Assembly, Amendments from Legislative Council agreed, VAD Bill finally passed both Chambers
June 23, 2021, Legislative Council, Amendments re retirement villages
June 10, 2021, House of Assembly, Committee (final), Third Reading and vote 33 to 11
June 9, 2021, House of Assembly, Committee (part 1)
May 26, 2021, House of Assembly, Second Reading speeches, Second Reading Division, passed 33 to 5
May 12, 2021, House of Assembly, amended VAD Bill introduction, Hon Dr Susan Close
March 17, May 5, House of Assembly, Second Reading speeches, Bill withdrawn
May 5, 2021, Legislative Council, Committee stage, Vote on Third Reading, passed 14 votes to 7
March 31, 2021, Legislative Council, Final Second Reading speeches, Vote on Second Reading, Clause 1
March 17, 2021, Legislative Council; Second Reading speeches
March 17, 2021, House of Assembly; Second Reading speeches
December 2, 2020, Hon Kyam Maher, Hon Mark Parnell, Second Reading speeches.
December 2, 2020, Dr Susan Close Second Reading speech.
Joint Committee on Voluntary Assisted Dying
April 4, 2019, Motion passed, HOA and Legislative Council
April 3, 2019, Debate on Motion to establish Committee
March 20, 2019, Hon Kyam Maher
Hon Kyam Maher meets Belinda Teh on the steps of the South Australian Parliament during her 2019 walk across Australia in support of VAD in WA.
Death with Dignity Bill 2016
November 16-17 Committee Stage and Vote
November 16 Second Reading Speeches
November 15 Second Reading Speeches
November 3 Second Reading Speech
October 20 Second Reading Speech - Tabling by Dr Duncan McFetridge
Hon Steven Marshall (then Opposition Leader), Hon Jay Weatherill (then Premier), Andrew Denton discussing the Bill at a forum in Old Parliament House, November 2016.
Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2016
October 20 Second Reading Speeches
June 9 Second Reading Speeches - includes speech from Premier, Hon Jay Weatherill, MP
April 14 Second Reading Speeches
March 10 Second Reading Speeches

February 11 Second Reading Speech - Tabling by Hon Steph Key, MP
Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2012
March 1 Tabling by Hon Bob Such MP
June 14 Speech and Vote
Criminal Law Consolidation (Medical Defences—End Of Life Arrangements) Amendment Bill 2011(known as the Medical Defences Bill)
The Medical Defences Bill was modeled on a different concept to most assisted dying Bills. The Medical Defences Bill was aimed at providing doctors with a defence if they were charged under the Criminal Code.