South Australian Stories

Three South Australians tell their personal story about why Voluntary Assisted Dying is so important. Beth Mylius has oesophageal cancer and would appreciate the backup of VAD as her suffering increases, Frances Coombe supported her friend Browny until his death, and Hon Kyam Maher MLC watched his mother suffer. Beau Summer interviewed these three wonderful people for his podcast. 

Beth Mylius has spent her whole adult life empowering communities in Asia, the Pacific, Australia, and now in her Aged Care community. Beth was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in December 2018 and chose treatments which evidence showed could improve her quality of life. Beth would appreciate being able to use voluntary assisted dying (VAD) as her pain and symptoms worsen and become unbearable and untreatable.

Frances Coombe is the President of the South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society and has been working for VAD since the mid 1990's. Frances supported her friend Browny as he thought through his end of life options.

Hon Kyam Maher, MLC, introduced the motion to establish the South Australian Parliament Joint Committee on End of Life Choices. Kyam Maher has since chaired the six member Joint Committee, which is expected to report in October 2020. Kyam Maher talks about the terrible suffering his mother endured at the end of her life and his goal of stopping that suffering for other people by achieving legal voluntary assisted dying in South Australia.